11 FEBRUARY 2018

Firstly, any knowledge of the soul has to be made known to a human through the usual. inputs. No ifs or buts. Babies do not know about the soul on the day they’re born. We’re told about the soul by other humans we’re told by words. We can read about it, or watch movies/documentaries about it So many humans have had experiences, happenings, that could be prescribed only to the unnatural. So Google the word ‘soul’ and many concepts are forwarded. Nobody really knows. Until death gets it done.

These are all concepts and beliefs in other people’s minds, and we already know that the human mind can be influenced in many ways. We know for sure, that not all beliefs can be UM believed. The soul is not connected at all in the mind or the brain. It can’t be felt or even sensed in the body. What we can do, is consider the situation from a factual point of view, and even then ….

For anything to exist in the universe, it has to be either of matter or of energy. The soul has to be an either, or it’s surely sensible that if something – in this case, the soul – exists as matter or even just as energy, the atoms have to take up space, and every soul HAS to reside within the skin of its owner. But a soul has not so far ever been identified as having any particular space in the body. Has anybody of any medical profession or any of the religions down through the ages, made the definite statement the “the heart is here, the lungs are here and in this space in the back here, is where the soul is” Not in any, not in even one of the ancient writings or any of the thousands of religions, has the soul been assigned a place in the human body. Maybe someone would say “oh, it’s all through the body” it may or may not exist, but if it DOES exist, then the soul has to be, if not of matter then at least of energy, and it HAS to take up SOME space even in the atomic dimension, and is it the same size/shape as the owner’s body?

Lots of questions. Even during an out-of-body experience, floating up to the ceiling or whatever, it still HAS to consist of some kind of atomic structure – just to be SEEN. Whenever Homo Sapiens has evolved to the point of existing as pure energy and that human-mind-energy expands across the many universes, WITHOUT ITS BODY, what of the soul then?

Sorry about that, God

It goes further. Are you sitting down?

If we assume that Jesus truly existed, it goes that his body had to consist of the 50 trillion cells that were made up of atoms and when he died, those atoms still existed even though the cells were dead or dying, and it’s in the Bible that he rose to the heavens but the atoms of his 50 trillion cells all had to rise (against the pull of gravity) and pass through the atmosphere of H2O. This is written (with absolute respect towards the faiths) and this is entirely relevant to the scientific question of what is the atomic structure of the human soul – especially when the Homo Sapiens evolves to become an intergalactic existence of pure energy.

When Homo Sapiens first evolved, at what stage of that evolution WHICH HE HAS ALREADY BEEEN THROUGH did he evolve from being an “animal” to being a human, and presumably warrant a soul. Where was the line in the sand, and how was it written? Was it when the conscious mind evolved – and how far did the conscious mind have to evolve until it KNEW it had/was a conscious mind and that it was AWARE that it was AWARE. This could be important because Creation is NOT aware. But a human IS. It’s almost enough to make you think – I hope.