18 February 2018

Every Human, regardless of gender or racial origin, is born with one brain and one mind. That could seem to be two items. However, both items are divided into two sections. But not actually in a physical sense. The brain is a physical thing in that the top of the skull can be removed or just a flap can be opened up to expose a part of the brain that may need surgery. These operations would be normal to a brain surgeon and have been performed for ages It’s been suggested that the brain, being a physical thing, is concerned mostly with causing the operation of the body parts, including the creation and movement of liquids, juices and lubrications required by the various body parts.

While it’s one object, and looks like one, the brain definitely has a left hemisphere and a right hemisphere and each has their own missions and even take turns to handle, shall we say, the daily stress chores. The two sides take turns about every 90 minutes. (No don’t time it. We’re grown-ups). So that while the two parts are definitely joined and interact in almost every way, it’s most unlikely that if dropped, it would break apart, it would be more likely to go splat, depending the floor surface. More modern bio-Scientists have been considering (after many cups of tea), that although centred in the brain, the mind involves itself in the whole human body at the cellular level as well as in the brain.(view matters of the mind).

The brain is also regarded as the home of the mind. Further information on the missions and activities of both sides of the singular brain are explained in depth in so many other easily available books.